octobre, 2019

21oct.20 h 00 min21 h 00 minOne Metis Man’s Life Growing Up in Saskatchewanavec Bruce Sinclair20 h 00 min - 21 h 00 min Maison des arts de la parole


Détails de l'événement

avec Bruce Sinclair

The storyteller will recount growing up in Northern Saskatchewan in a small town with a high percentage of Metis and First Nations community members. Some of the issues presented will be identity, poverty, family relationships, discrimination, racism and the spirit of the people.

An excerpt of the play, ‘Dreamkeeper’ by Bruce Sinclair will be presented to highlight the origin of the Metis and the changing times for the people who have been referred to as “The Forgotten People”.

An excerpt of ‘Sacred Stories of the Sweetgrass Cree’ an origin story by Louis Moosomin in 1925 and compiled by Leonard Bloomfield will be presented as a testimony of the author’s transformation into the knowledge of his nehiyaw (Cree) background which had previously been unknown to him.

17$ adulte | 12$ étudiant


(Lundi) 20 h 00 min - 21 h 00 min


Maison des arts de la parole

138 rue Wellington Nord, 2e étage